Best Endodontist in Lucknow - Dr. Abhinav Singh

Best Endodontist in Lucknow

Your restored tooth after root canal therapy could last a lifetime, if you continue to care for your teeth and gums. However, regular checkups are necessary. As long as the root of a treated tooth are nourished by the tissues around it, your tooth will remain healthy.

Signs you may need root canal therapy include:

·         Severe toothache pain upon chewing or application of pressure.
·         Prolonged sensitivity (pain) to hot or cold temperatures (after the heat or cold has been removed)
·         Discoloration (darkening) of the tooth.
·         Swelling and tenderness in nearby gums.
Most dentists will agree that indeed, some can become toxic and dangerous...but whether this leads to an abscessed tooth or can cause other diseases is another issue.Best Endodontist in Lucknow On the one hand, the Dental Association's insist that root canal-treated teeth do not cause or contribute to any systemic disease.
The sutures disappear usually within two weeks and over time the bony window heals up under the gum. If the procedure is successful,it takes about six months for some bone to replace the cavity where the root tip and cyst were removed.


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